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🤯 Do this to get hired

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So you’ve taken a course.

But you still haven’t gotten that tech job you wanted.

Here’s what to do next.


Learn tech skills in 6 weeks.

Learn with EntryLevel.net, get a portfolio, and get certified.

Beginner to tech? No problem. Get guidance for portfolio project and show it off to recruiters in 6 weeks. If you don’t get a job interview after the course, you’ll get a 100% refund.

Enroll now

1. Improve your LinkedIn game

Post your portfolio project (if you’ve taken an EntryLevel course, you definitely have a project).

But don’t stop there.


  • The key insights you learned
  • Your thought process behind your projects
  • Cool things you’re doing
  • Questions about your industry
  • Your story and unique career journey

So when you do cold outreach, people will see your posts and learn more about you.

More LinkedIn tips: https://www.entrylevel.net/events/using-linkedin-for-your-job-search

2. Interact with 1 new person in your industry every day

This doesn’t have to be a lot of work. It can be:

  • A LinkedIn comment
  • Talking to someone in a community (like EntryLevel’s Discord, where we post job postings)
  • A cold outreach message on social media (or email)

In fact, cold outreach is how many EntryLevel students like Christiana landed jobs.

3. Improve your portfolio

Common mistakes to fix in your portfolio as a beginner:

  • Instead of a generic heading like “my learnings,” put what you actually learn. Pretend your headings are the only things people read (because they kind of are) - people need to understand your value with just the headline
  • Showcase impact. What did your project help accomplish? If it was a project for a course, what metrics would you have looked at to measure success?
  • Think “so what?” Every part of your portfolio should answer that question and make the company care about the value you’d bring them. Make it more about the value you bring to the company, rather than just about you

4. Measure and repeat what’s successful

Got no responses to your cold outreach messages?

Refine and try again.

Notice a LinkedIn post performing better when it’s about a specific topic?

Post more about it.

Always look back on how you can improve - it’s how you grow.


You’ll get hired if you do these consistently:

  1. Improve your LinkedIn game
  2. Interact with 1 new person in your industry every day
  3. Improve your portfolio
  4. Measure and repeat what’s successful

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Date originally published:
Wed, 31 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Date last updated:
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🤯 Do this to get hired

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What is EntryLevel?
EntryLevel helps you learn and get experience so you can get hired in tech. Beginner-friendly 6 week programs guide you to create a portfolio you can show off to employers.
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